Prestige Gardenia Estates Contact Us

Would you like to invest in one of the best residential projects built by a reputable builder in Bangalore? Prestige Gardenia Estates, a new residential apartment complex in Bangalore, is being introduced by Prestige Group. Please complete the inquiry form with your contact details to receive more information about the project's specifications, configuration, and other details.

Please get in touch with us. We can simplify your process and provide you with the assistance you require.

If you have any questions concerning the project, Prestige Gardenia Estates Contact can be reached via phone or online. Buyers are free to choose which units to purchase, and our staff will happily answer any questions you may have.


Please fill out the form requesting a brochure if you would like to have a preview of it. A PDF of the brochure will be mailed to the registered email ID you provided in the inquiry form.


  • Please select your preferred apartment from the list of available alternatives.
  • Complete the application for booking and attach your KYC paperwork.
  • You must pay the first booking amount in order to reserve your desired residence.
  • Please get in touch with your related sales or CRM.

Floor plan

Please fill out this form for a floor plan, layout, or master plan. It will then be delivered to the email address you provided.

The project delivers a wide range of floor plans; to find out the sizes of the units, please contact our staff using the form. By phoning us or completing the form, you may simply contact our team, and we will answer any of your questions.


To know more about apartments with various configurations, please fill out the form on the website with your contact details. Our sales team will guide you properly.

Booking Procedure

Available after the launch of the project.

Allocation of units

After the apartment is shortlisted and the booking fee is received, it will be assigned and mentioned in a letter so it becomes available.

If you want further information about Prestige Gardenia Estates, please complete the form below. Our staff will give you further information and appropriate direction.

To schedule a complimentary site visit, please use the contact form on our website. For more information about the amenities and your ideal residences, contact our team.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. In what ways can I learn more about this project?

You can call the number shown on the page or enter your contact information in the form published on the website.

2. How can one use the website to contact someone with any questions?

On the project website, there is a form that you can fill out with some information. Once you do, our staff will contact you to provide you with all the project details.

3. Can we view the brochure before visiting the site?

Yes, individuals who are interested in the project can speak with our sales staff directly and arrange for a site visit. Customers will, therefore, have a better understanding of the project's location.

4. Is it feasible to contact the sales team to find out about the reserved units?

Buyers can contact our staff to learn which flats are reserved and to reserve any unit in the project.

Disclaimer: Any content mentioned in this website is for information purpose only and Prices are subject to change without notice. This website is just for the purpose of information only and not to be considered as an official website.